Phishing Response

Letter inside open envelope

ASU will never send emails asking for your password or login information. Beware of emails that ask for your personal, login, or financial information. Spammers and phishers do not typically target people individually. Rather, they send generic “customer” messages to many individuals with the goal of compromising a few accounts or accessing personal, professional, or financial information. If you have received a message that matches or looks like one shown in the ASU Community Phishing Examples, please do not take any action. Do not forward the email to anyone else and instead report it to ASU Cybersecurity.

Report Phishing Email

To report a suspicious email, please forward the email to our office using one of the following methods: 

After reporting a suspicious email to ASU Cybersecurity, please consider adding the sender to your block list in your email client. A sender can be added to the blocked list in the Microsoft Exchange (Outlook) environment, or Gmail, by clicking the ‘More’ button next to ‘Reply,’ and selecting the ‘Report Phishing’ option.