Data Storage
Data Storage Selector Tool
The Data Storage Selector helps users choose Enterprise-wide data storage options that comply with regulations. It simplifies and expedites the process of determining correct classifications and available storage solutions.
View Data Storage Selector tool
Data Classification Tool
Safeguarding the data of ASU and its affiliates has never been easier. Through a brief series of yes-or-no questions, the Data Classification Tool efficiently identifies data types, their specific handling requirements, and any applicable regulations.
Encryption Information
Encryption plays a key role in keeping information safe by ensuring that it can't be obtained through theft or eavesdropping. Sensitive information should be encrypted in storage and in transit -- meaning, both where it sits and where you send it.
ET Data Center Services
ASU Colleges and Departments can have their physical servers placed in the ET Data Center. This service provides multiple benefits, including physical security, 24 hour staffing, assistance with best practices on server security, and redundant power and cooling. Physical security in a controlled data center environment helps protect against unauthorized access or exposure of university information.