Get Protected
Digital Trust and Cybersecurity

Mission Statement
Arizona State University Cybersecurity is committed to preserving the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of its information while preserving and nurturing the open information-sharing requirements of its academic culture.
Identity and Access Management
ASU Cybersecurity Identity & Access Management (IAM) team is responsible for enterprise policies, compliance standards, and business processes…
Vulnerability Management
The Vulnerability Management team provides expert guidance and consultation on vulnerability prevention and remediation to departments in…
Vendor IT Risk Assessments
The Vendor IT Risk Assessment process identifies risk and provides recommended mitigating controls to lower the overall risk to ASU users, systems, and networks...
Incident response
Arizona State University takes every security event and incident seriously. Depending on the severity of the issue or situation, a variety…
Antimalware Software
ASU Cybersecurity recommends the following Antimalware solutions. All antivirus solutions should be properly configured to…
IT Risk Assessment
The IT Risk Assessment process is a university-wide review conducted yearly within a 3-year cycle. This university review is aligned to the National…
Report Security Event & Questions
Contact the ASU Experience Center online or call 1-855-278-5080
Email ASU Cybersecurity at infosec@asu.edu or submit a ticket via MyASU
Anonymous Hotline
Call us at 877-SUN-DEVL or visit us online at the ASU Hotline.
Policy & Guidelines
Data Handling Standard
This standard outlines the responsibilities and controls required for handling all University managed information in any form.
Academic Affairs Manual (ACD)
To govern the use of ASU computing and communications resources and to manage and secure ASU data and other information assets.
Information Security Policy
The ASU Information Security Policy establishes guidelines and standards for the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and…
Access to University Technology Resources Policy
Arizona State University (ASU) provides centrally managed information technology services and resources to employees, students, and other...
ASU Information Security Training
All ASU faculty and staff are required to take information security awareness training within the first month of employment and annually thereafter. This online, self-paced class shows you how to protect ASU data and information systems from harm. The training takes about 40 minutes to complete and includes a presentation and a quiz.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was established August 21, 1996. The four main purposes of HIPAA include- Privacy of health information, security of electronic records, administrative simplification, and insurance portability. The Act provides detailed instructions for handling and protecting a patient’s personal health information.
Student Privacy: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA courses are available in the ASU Career Edge for Staff and Canvas for Students. Click the training links below and make sure to select the correct courses that apply to your position.
Developer Training
ASU now offers best practice secure coding guidance for web application developers. This training is required by the AZ Auditor General and was developed by a cross-unit team of IT professionals at ASU.
Security/Purchasing/Risk Training Certification
Designated department technology individuals will be able to approve technology purchases in Workday. Individuals will be trained and certified. Training will include ISO, risk, procurement, licensing, and other topics.